DisclosureFest™ Foundation



Atasieā (a.k.a. Kenneth Ferguson), is a reiki master, spiritual guidance counselor, bodyworker, yoga instructor, minister, Dancing Freedom facilitator, actor, dancer, martial artist, and event producer. Atasieā, pronounced (Ah-tah-see-āy), means 'oneness.’ He’s the co-founder of Ecstatic Dance Los Angeles, an all ages, drug and alcohol free, conscious dance event with world class DJs, sound healing, and friendly community atmosphere. He is the co-founder of the Dharma Creation Institute, a holistic healing and personal development education company that supports people to actualize their life purpose, discover and fulfill their mission, heal themselves, and thrive doing powerful work in the world. Atasiea is also the founder of Angelic Presence Healing, a healing arts organization which provides holistic healing through massage, energy healing, yoga instruction, life coaching, spiritual guidance counseling, and educational programs.