DisclosureFest™ Foundation
Stairway To The Stars
November 10, 11 & 12
Join us as this year DisclosureFest Foundation activates the Las Vegas strip
Stairway To The Stars
November 10, 11 & 12
Total gratitude for our partners and sponsors:

Speakers and Workshops
In Two Worlds
Investigative Mythologist
Cosmic Cycles and the Sacred Geometry of Time
The Great Year of the World: Cosmic Cycles and the Sacred Geometry of Time
5D Quantum Healing
Leading Researcher on Ancient Civilization Technologies
Ancient Aliens Panel
Contactando con extraterrestres
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Viaje al centro de la tierra)
Indigenous Women's Drum Circle
(Tsalagi/Nde’/Arawaka) Dekanogisgi (Traditional Song-Carrier) & Elisi (Grandmother)
Workshop Exploring Cosmic Frontiers
Exploring Intelligent Life in the Cosmos with its Multidimensions
Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School–trained Constitutional Litigation and Appellate Attorney
My Physical Meetings with Venusians- Actual Video and Voice recorded Messages Of Venusian Commander Aura Rhanes and Valiant Thor
Author, Researcher of Prehistoric Civilizations, Futurist and Host of Gaia's Mystery Teachings
Paranormal Investigation and UFOlogist
Restoring Divine Template
The Science of the Ancients
Ancient Alchemical Secrets Rediscovered by the Knights Templar
Professionally Trained Remote Viewer
Are We the Quantum Computers We are Searching For? Remote Viewing, Dreams, and The Mysteries of Our Minds.
The Ancient Mystery of Our Human Origins
Author of “The Bringer of Life: A Cosmic History of Divine Feminine.”
The Sacred Feminine: Her Suppression, Secrets, and Resurrection
Ancient Sciences
Beyond Disclosure - What comes next in the Superhuman Story
Beyond Disclosure - What comes next in the Superhuman Story
Star of Discovery Channels Expedition Bigfoot
What is Bigfoot? Is there a UFO Connection?
Epigenetic Psychotherapist, MBSR, CHT, NLPP
DNA: 24 dimensions of life force and the creator blue print
Opulence Oracle & Manifestation Mentor
Manifest at the Speed of Light & Consciousness of Time
Fear above/Fear Below, How Humanity Has to clear the fear too
Ascension Humanitarian
Beyond Med-Beds: Tesla's Non-Consumable Supplements
Your Opportunity during the Planetary Ascension
Your Opportunity during the Planetary Ascension with the Ascension Tips
UFO/Paranormal Researcher and author of "The Art of Close Encounters."
Spiritual Advisor
Starseed Mission Activation: Your Purpose Revealed ~ Soul Mission Activation
The New Earth & The Silver Thread of Dolores Cannon
Awakened Mystery School with Alexandra Hanly and Pamela Chen
Illumination: Rise of Terran Consciousness For Intergalactic Peace
Guided Meditation of love, sounds and source.
QHHT Panel
QHHT Panel
QHHT Panel
QHHT Panel
Channeler of Golden Arrow
Indian Naadi Palm Leaf Reading
Founder of iPyramids.com
Sacred Geometry: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living
Cat Whisperer, Lyran Ambassador & Ascension Guide
Cats are Starseeds & Ascension Guides
Energy Healing Session: Awaken Your Inner Power
Galactic Ambassador & Founder of Team Light
Actualize Your Highest Timeline & Potential
Business Owner, Researcher, Author, Film Maker
The Brazilian Templars, The Back Story Unveiled
Cosmic Custodians
Artifacts of Ancient Extraterrestrial Contact
Discover Your Star Origins + Channeled Messages from the Sirians
Trusting Your Higher Purpose
The Aetherius Society, Director
Cosmic Spirituality - How to Cooperate with the Gods from Space
How Blood Types, Alien Abductions & the End Times are Related
Author, Speaker and Founder of Bioharmonic Technologies
Unlocking the Secrets between Bio-resonance and Biochemistry
The Quantum Wellness Expedition: Your Conscious Guide to Thriving Health
Past Lives & Manifestation
sacred space art installation
Your Opportunity during the Planetary Ascension
Host of Apolla's Odyssey
Awakening the Heart of the Pyramid
Sound Healing
Omnidimensional Vocal Alchemist
SoundBath Concert
Golden Breathwork Circle
Directed by Serena DC
Directed by Caroline Cory
Directed by Caroline Cory
Directed by James Fox