DisclosureFest™ Foundation
Bhavani Hope
Bhavani Hope
Bhavani is a humble student of the following masters:
Yoga with Ashtanga creator Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Qi-Gong with Master Luke Chen, Thai Yoga Massage with Pom Wong, Kundalini Yoga with Ramdeep Kaur and Ravi Singh, Reiki with Sri Harshad Sadashiv and Maha Yoga with Shaktipat Guru Shankaracharya and Bio-Regenesis Keylotnic Healing Science with PJ Black.
She is a devotee at the Sadhana Ashram with presiding Guru Sri Shankaracharya.
Mata Amritanandamayi know as Amma https://www.amma.org
and her beloved first guru is OSHO https://www.osho.com