DisclosureFest™ Foundation

Alex King-Harris

Alex King-Harris

For over 20 years, my love of breath, movement, and beats has led me from the grip of grave injury and trauma to a life rich with yoga and melodies. It's a tale that starts with the ancient art of pranayam, unfurls through the physical poetry of asana, and dives deep into the soul-stirring realm of music's embrace on our inner wiring. From getting a degree in jazz on Canada’s Vancouver Island to the diving deep into the vibrant pulse of Los Angeles, I've woven a life long tapestry of breathwork, tunes, and tranquility.

Over a quarter-century, I've jammed with global currents, helping birth vibes like Desert Dwellers, Shamans Dream and Liquid Bloom, all to the beat of the world’s heart. As the former maestro behind YogiTunes.com, and now stirring the pot at my new startup, EvolveWell, I’m all about tuning the world's vibe to a healthier, groovier frequency. From the ecstatic dance floor to guiding tomorrow's leaders and lighting beacons for those navigating their way back from addiction, my journey is a testament to the healing power of a good beat and a deep breath.