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Connecting Community, Harmonizing Hearts, Inspiring Peace

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About the DisclosureFest™ Foundation

DisclosureFest™ Foundation is a multi-cultural initiative and community based nonprofit platform. Our Foundation unites heart-centered, like-minded people, donors and sponsors in an effort to raise consciousness, provide education on health and wellness and create awareness of global, environmental and humanitarian initiatives through on-going monthly volunteer-based events and programs.

DisclosureFest™ Foundation is a California 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation.

DisclosureFest™ Foundation Tax ID #82-1470614.


DisclosureFest™ Foundation Initiatives

We are a multi-cultural, initiative based, nonprofit platform in Los Angeles.

The Mass Meditation Initiative

An annual conscious mass meditation, yoga, music and arts festival in Los Angeles

The Feed Our Souls Initiative

Plant-based kitchen and workshop events to raise awareness for the homeless population in Los Angeles

The Clean Air Initiative

Tree plantings and forest restoration to help clean our air, create waterways and a safe healthy habitat for our wildlife

The Beach 'N River Cleanup Initiative

Improving conditions along our coastline and marine life collecting thousands of lbs of trash per year

The Starseed Initiative

Youth programs in our cities to bring sustainability and composting workshops, yoga, meditation, sound healing, sacred geometry and mathematics, as well as other conscious teachings to present to our local youth.

The Every Elder Initiative

Plant-based kitchen and workshop events to create inter-generational connections with our elders living in senior homes.

Total gratitude for our partners and sponsors:

GaiaLeela Quantum TechCalifornia State Parks PartnerTree People PartnerHeal The Bay PartnerOcean Conservancy PartnerAnu AlchemyForagerRaw RevFollow Your HeartUnifySambazonGtsBraggDrbronnerYerbamateAwakening Code RadioUnisoyLa WeeklyEarth IslandKyo TMetroNatures BakeryNumi TeaMini StorageAgraloopOpen EyesCarla Lees Nut BurgersAztlan AthleticsAnnemarieLibre SmallWhole Life TimesStarfire WaterNatural Leaders FoundationThe Tri A Conscious PartyBiomatsCalifia FarmsRemedy OrganicsWellbeing IslandJack N' JillNF coPlanet LuxeBona Fide Nitro CoffeeSeven TeasTotal Assault