DisclosureFest™ Foundation
Allison Pelissier & Emily Lawler

Allison Pelissier & Emily Lawler
Allison and Emily are soul sisters united by a desire to spread consciousness expanding tools and practices - frequencies of awakening.
A life-changing experience with a flickering light device inspired Allison to spend the last decade diving deep into the world of light, sound, and frequencies. Currently, Allison trains Light Guides around the globe about light frequency technology and how to hold space for deep experiences with their clients. She also offers psychic and intuitive readings and energy/light/sound/frequency healings.
From working and consulting in the areas of permaculture, farms, herbalism, gardens, and water and soil activism to using copper sacred geometric forms and crystals to create grids and shields against EMFs to holding space for deep healing, Emily is a multifaceted guide, wisdom keeper and Earth Guardian.