DisclosureFest™ Foundation

NiLoO & A Tribe Called Love

NiLoO & A Tribe Called Love

NiLoO is a multi-talented artist, hailing from Iran and now based in Los Angeles. Alongside her partner Marc Korgie, she spearheads musical projects like "NiLoO & A Tribe Called Love" and "DiViNE ABSURDiTY," and performs with the international cover band 26 Orchestra. NiLoO has collaborated with Persian recording artists and independent musicians, showcasing her vocal prowess across genres. Her debut memoir, "Love Came & Went: memoirs of a Persian Psychonaut and Love Addict," was released in 2020. Beyond music, NiLoO is an advocate for animal rights and promotes a plant-based vegan lifestyle. She hosts the monthly comedy show "That’s Funny Niloo" and actively supports non-profit organizations like DisclosureFest Foundation and National Animal Rights Day. NiLoO believes in the healing power of community service and encourages others to contribute to their communities for mental well-being.

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