DisclosureFest™ Foundation
Toni Ghazi
Toni Ghazi
Toni Ghazi, also known as ‘The Antarean-Heart,’ is a channel and spiritual guide working through the praying mantis beings and specifically the Antares-Stargate bringing channeled messages of UN-conditional LOVE and INTEGRATION to help guide humanity back to its TRUE-SELF and essence by ACTIVATING a remembrance of WHO WE ARE and creating a life of EMPOWERMENT & ALIGNMENT.
Toni unveiled the world’s FIRST & ONLY praying mantis crystal skulls to the public – ALL made of natural stones and activated/charged by a 20 million year old praying mantis preserved in amber found in Chiapas, Mexico AND an 8,000 year old Anubis tablet Aztlan Artifact found in Jalisco, Mexico.
BOTH artifacts, the 20 million year old amber and the 8,000 year old Anubis tablet Aztlan Artifact will be available for the public to view/feel/experience these ancient energies.
When held in your hand in Meditation, these crystal skulls will provide you the opportunity to CONNECT with YOUR GALACTIC GUIDES and EXPAND your mind beyond the physical limitations and illusion of reality - allowing YOU to remember the POWERFUL BEING that you ARE and ALWAYS HAVE BEEN!!!